
Privacy Policy

We appreciate you choosing to be a member of the Husnemina community. We are dedicated to safeguarding your private information and privacy rights. If you have any inquiries or worries concerning our procedures for handling your personal data or our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

In this privacy statement, we attempt to be as transparent as possible about the data we gather, how we use it, and the rights you have in connection with it. We sincerely hope you will take the time to carefully study it since it is significant. Please stop using our site and our services if you disagree with any clauses in this privacy statement. Our Terms & Conditions, which govern your use of the Site whether you are a registered user or a guest, including any material, features, and services made available on or through the Site, include this Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. You should carefully read this privacy statement before deciding whether or not to provide us with your personal information.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

The personal information you disclose to us.

The Fundamentals: We gather the personal data you give us. When you register at the Services, when you participate in activities there (such posting reviews or entering sweepstakes, contests, or giveaways), when you express an interest in learning more about us or the Products and Services, or when you contact us in any other manner, we gather the personal information you willingly disclose to us.

Your interactions with us and the Services, your decisions, the Products and services you use, and other contexts determine what personal information we gather about you. The following is a list of the types of personal data we may gather.

Both personally identifiable information that you voluntarily provide and publicly accessible personally identifiable information.

First and last names, usernames, addresses, emails, and other similar information are the types of information we gather. We gather first and last names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and other information of a similar nature.

Payment Information:

If you make purchases, we gather the information required to process your payment. All of the personal information you give us must be true, complete, and accurate, and you must let us know if any of it changes.

Will Anyone Else Get Access To Your Information?

Just what is Basic: We only disclose information with your permission, as required by law, to deliver services to you, safeguard your rights, or carry out contractual duties. Based on the following legal justifications, we may process or distribute data:-

Approval: If you have given us explicit consent to use your personal information for a particular purpose, we may treat your data.

Legitimate Business Interests: When it is reassuringly necessary to further our legitimate business interests, we may process your data.

Contractual Performance: If we have a contract with you, we may use your personal information to carry out the terms of that agreement.

Legal Requirements: We may release your information when we are forced to do so by law, government requests, a judicial proceeding, a court order, or other legal processes, such as in response to a court order or a subpoena.

Vital Interests: We may share your information in instances where we feel it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding potential policy breaches, suspected fraud, circumstances involving potential threats to the safety of any person, unlawful actions, or as evidence in litigation in which we are engaged.